Friday, December 21, 2007

IBM HATS in Passport Advantage

HATS version 7.0 under

Rational Software/IBM WebSphere Host Integration Solution (HIS) for ... v 7.0/

IBM WebSphere Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Standard v7.0 ... (C97NZML)
IBM WebSphere Host Access Transformation Services Run-Time Web Enablement ... (C97P2ML)

It's so hard to find anything in IBM Passport Advantage.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

CICS ECI Resource Adapter - execute timeout

The execute timeout can be specified at creating method in a J2C bean.

0 - No timeout, this is the default value.
any positive int value - in milliseconds

How to Add a VM Argument to WAS 6.1

Actually the WAS 6.1 is the embedded one inside RSA 7.0.

Open the Administrative Console. Navigate through server -> process definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Customer Variables.
