Wednesday, August 24, 2016


select top [number] ...; in MS SQL is the same as select ... limit [number]; in MySQL.

MySQL Error 1030

Error Code: 1030Got error -1 from storage engine

while insert into a table.

Solution, comment out innodb_force_recovery in the my.ini  file, then restart MySQL service on Windows.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

JBoss 5 Shutdown Error in MyEclipse

Since Tomcat normally takes port 8080, JBoss then takes 8180. Then the JNP port will be 1199, not 1099.

However, in MyEclipse, when shutdown JBoss, it still tries to connect and it will fail.

I added --server=localhost:1199 after the --shutdown at the Optional shutdown arguments of the JBoss 5.x preference to solve the problem.