On my laptop, I encountered some unexpected popup IE windows.
I found an expected schedule task and it runs C:\Windows\system32\rewikupe.dll.
I cleaned up the task and the dll.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Run WebSphere Administrative Script in Rational Software Architect

WAS 6.1, RSA
Create a py file in the project, e.g. a script to create a SIB bus, add member to the bus, create a Queue Connection Factory, and a few queues could look like,
Right click on the py file, and select Run As, then Administrative Script.from java.lang import String
from java.util import Properties
from com.ibm.ws.scripting import ScriptingException
from java.io import File
from java.io import FileOutputStream
from java.io import FileInputStream
from java.io import PrintStream
# Verify input parameters
# Usage method
def usage():
print ""
print "Usage to create local sib resources:"
print "wsadmin -profileName-lang jython -f create_local_sib.py "
print "Example: wsadmin -profileName AppSrv01 -lang jython -f create_local_sib.py Cell Node server1"
print ""
print "NOTE: This script creates the 'bus', addsas member to the bus,"
print " the Queue Connection Factory and queues on the bus."
print " This is a pure CREATE script. It does not check whether resources already exist."
print " The script will fail if any of the SIB resources already exist."
# Update these to reflect local environment
m_cellName = ""
m_nodeName = ""
m_serverName = ""
# Get the cell parameter
m_cellName = sys.argv[0]
print "You must specify a Cell name"
# Get the node parameter
m_nodeName = sys.argv[1]
print "You must specify a Node name"
# Get the server parameter
m_serverName = sys.argv[2]
print "You must specify a Server name"
# Configure the Bus and Server
AdminTask.createSIBus('[-bus bus -busSecurity false -scriptCompatibility 6.1 ]')
# File Store Bus Member
AdminTask.addSIBusMember('[-bus bus -node ' + m_nodeName + ' -server ' + m_serverName + ' -fileStore -logSize 100 -minPermanentStoreSize 200 -maxPermanentStoreSize 500 -unlimitedPermanentStoreSize false -minTemporaryStoreSize 200 -maxTemporaryStoreSize 500 -unlimitedTemporaryStoreSize false ]')
print "Bus created and Bus member added."
# Create the Queue Connection Factory
AdminTask.createSIBJMSConnectionFactory(m_serverName + '(cells/' + m_cellName + '/nodes/' + m_nodeName + '/servers/' + m_serverName + '|server.xml)', '[-name ossQueueConnectionFactory -jndiName jms/ossQueueConnectionFactory -type queue -authDataAlias -category -description -xaRecoveryAuthAlias -busName ossBus -nonPersistentMapping ExpressNonPersistent -persistentMapping ReliablePersistent -readAhead Default -target -targetType BusMember -targetSignificance Preferred -targetTransportChain -providerEndPoints -connectionProximity Bus -tempQueueNamePrefix -shareDataSourceWithCMP false]')
print "Queue Connection Factory created."
def createQueue(sibQueueName, jmsQueueName, activationSpecName, isSingleton, queuePriority):
concurrencyParam = ""
if isSingleton == 1:
concurrencyParam = " -maxConcurrency 1 "
poisonMessageParams = ""
if sibQueueName != "QUEUE1":
poisonMessageParams = " -maxFailedDeliveries 1 -exceptionDestination QUEUE1 "
AdminTask.createSIBDestination('[-bus bus -name ' + sibQueueName + ' -type Queue -node ' + m_nodeName + ' -server ' + m_serverName + ' -description -reliability ASSURED_PERSISTENT ' + poisonMessageParams + ']')
AdminTask.createSIBJMSQueue(m_serverName + '(cells/' + m_cellName + '/nodes/' + m_nodeName + '/servers/' + m_serverName + '|server.xml)', '[-name ' + jmsQueueName + ' -jndiName jms/' + jmsQueueName + ' -description -queueName ' + sibQueueName + ' -deliveryMode Application -priority ' + queuePriority + ' -readAhead AsConnection -busName bus ]')
AdminTask.createSIBJMSActivationSpec(m_serverName + '(cells/' + m_cellName + '/nodes/' + m_nodeName + '/servers/' + m_serverName + '|server.xml)', '[-name ' + activationSpecName + ' -jndiName jms/' + activationSpecName + ' -destinationJndiName jms/' + jmsQueueName + ' -description -acknowledgeMode Auto-acknowledge -authenticationAlias -busName bus -clientId -durableSubscriptionHome ' + concurrencyParam + ' -messageSelector -subscriptionDurability NonDurable -subscriptionName -readAhead Default -target -targetType BusMember -targetSignificance Preferred -targetTransportChain -shareDataSourceWithCMP false]')
createQueue("QUEUE0", "description", "ExceptionActivationSpecifications", 0, "9")
createQueue("QUEUE1", "description", "ActivationSpecifications", 0, "4")
createQueue("QUEUE2", "description", "ActivationSpecifications", 0, "4")
createQueue("QUEUE3", "description", "ActivationSpecifications", 1, "4")
createQueue("QUEUE4", "description", "ActivationSpecifications", 0, "4")
createQueue("QUEUE5", "description", "ActivationSpecifications", 1, "4")
createQueue("QUEUE6", "description", "AsyncResponseSpecifications", 0, "4")
print "Queues created."
print "Finished."
Select WebSphere Application Server v6.1 as the Scripting runtime.
Select AppSrvWSFP01 as the WebSphere profile.
Enter Cell Node Server as the wasadmin arguments.
Select Specify in the Security and enter userid and password
Click on Run to run the script.
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