Wednesday, November 21, 2007

J2C CICS ECI - Review the Environment

In this trial, I will create a J2C service to call a CICS COBOL program. I use
  • IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) v
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v 6.1, embedded in RSA 7
  • IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) v 6.1
CTG connection URL is tcp://, port 32006, server name AMGCOH3, user name ctgwebu, and password ***.

Note, if WAS and CTG sit at the same server, CTG connection URL shall be local:.

Project minzyConnect is created to hold the data binding and J2C beans.

Project minzy is created as EAR holder, and its module project minzyWeb, minzyEnt (for EJB), and minzyClient are also created.

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