Thursday, July 30, 2009

SAP Portal - XML Form

Create a XML form

You need Content Manager role in the portal. Content Management -> Forms Builder. You can create a XML form project from scratch or use an existing one as base. Check the Global Settings, usually the project store is /irj/go/km/docs/etc/xmlforms and server is https://<>:443/. Remember the ID, e.g. my_Form123.

Transport the form to another portal

A ICE subscriber and syndicate way is suggested all over the Internet. Somehow I was not able to get it work. Instead, I simply copied the files under /etc/xmlforms/ to the destination portal and it worked fine for me. It did give me a bit of trouble when I previewed the form for the first time after transported. However, it worked fine at the second time.

Folder Settings

You then need the System Administration role. System Administration -> System Configuration -> Knowledge Management -> Content Management -> Form-Based Publishing -> Forms Availability -> Folder Settings

Add a new Form/Folder setting,

ID(my_form):priority(80):Folder Path(/documents/public_news/**):Forms to Exclude(SAP_APP_*):Forms to Include(my_Form123).

You shall see my_Form123 in the new selection menu of the folder.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SAP Portal - EP CRM Roles

Initially, you export Roles from CRM into a XML file. The PCD location is the folder pre-created on EP to hold the incoming roles.

You then import the XML file into EP and roles will be created in EP. Remember to save the XML file for future reference.

You then can change on CRM, but need to make the same change directly on EP, not through export/import. You can also make any changes that you want on EP, e.g. to add some BI contents.

You transport changes to CRM QAS and PRD from CRM DEV, to EP QAS and PRD from EP DEV.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SAP Portal - Missing Portal Content

Once I was assigned the Content Admin role in a portal but can't see the Portal Content under PCD. Weird, right?

OK, at the end, we figured it out. After the installation, the Super Admin needs to click on the Portal Content under PCD and grant the permission to Content Admin role.