Wednesday, February 12, 2014

MyEclipse Install/Uninstall Zip File to Maven Local Repository

MyEcliplse Blue 10.7

For example, we downloaded jQuery 1.9.1 as We need to install it to Maven local repository.

Here are the steps.

In MyEclipse, File -> Import, then expand Maven4MyEclipse, select Install or deploy an artifact to a Maven repository.

Browse... to enter the into the Artifact file field.

Leave POM file empty, leave Generate POM and Create Checksum as checked.

Set Group Id as org.jquery.

Set Artifact Id as core.

Set Version as 1.9.1.

Set Packaging as zip.

Leave Classifier empty.

Click on Finish and it is installed.

What if we don't like it and want to uninstall it?

Just change directory to C:\Users\[userid]\.m2\repository and find org\jquery\core. Remove the whole directory.

Come back to MyEclipse and go,

Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Maven4MyEclipse -> User Settings.

Then Reindex the local repository.

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